Goal: Make Heinz Jalapeno Ketchup synonymous with breakfast.
Insight: Ketchup on breakfast is a controversial topic.
Big Idea: Heinz has gone missing
Art Direction: Kari Marvel
Copywriter: Hank Ihle
Case Study Video
Hacking instacart's “frequently bought together” feature we will force people to buy Heinz Jalapeno Ketchup when buying breakfast items. All other Heinz options are grayed out, and instead of “out of stock” they say “Insufficient Heat.”
Heinz Jalapeno Bottle
Heinz Jalapeno Ketchup will arrive from instacart empty, with a large QR code on the back reading, “Empty bottle? Come find me.”.
HeinzGate Website
The QR code on the bottle takes customers to the website where they will receive a riddle with the solution “laundromat”.
Through the Spicy Door:
Riddles found on the website:
In a place where suds and scents collide,
Breakfast awaits, but you must decide.
Behind the wash, a secret lies,
Follow the trail to a tasty surprise.
Laundromat 57
Generic, neighborhood looking laundromat with an open sign and an open door. Once entered the laundromat will be empty.
Congratulations, you’ve cracked
the first code
Now warm up your bottle to
reveal where I’m stowed.
Heat it Up
The label on the Heinz Jalapeno Ketchup bottle is heat activated. Once it is heated with a hairdryer for example it will reveal a hidden map to a laundromat on 57th street and prompt customers to bring their bottles along with them.
In the heart of the city, where clothes get clean,
A breakfast adventure awaits, unseen.
Look for the door that’s not quite plain,
Your next clue is where the suds remain
Dinner Speakeasy by Heinz
This is a 24/7 full-service (free) breakfast diner, down the stairs, under the laundromat, inconspicuous red door. This is the physical solution to “Where did all the ketchup go?” When entering the hostess stand sits in front of two doors. One labeled “Spicy” and the other labeled “Not Spicy”. This choice splits the diner into two different sides.
Through the Spicy Door:
Congratulations, you’ve cracked the code,
Now venture inside where the laundry is stowed.
A secret awaits, with breakfast galore,
Heinz Jalapeno Ketchup will open the door.